What is Slow Fashion?

By Tanya LeBlanc
What is Slow Fashion?

What is Slow Fashion? 

Slow fashion is the widespread reaction to the fast fashion problem in the fashion and textile industry. 

 Did you know that the fashion and textile industry is one of the worlds biggest polluters? That 75% of materials ends up in the landfill? 

Thankfully there has been a new direction in fashion these days.

Coined by Kate Fletcher of the Centre for Sustainable Fashion, Slow Fashion is here to stay, as more and more people are choosing to support companies that reflect their need for sustainable and ethically made designs. It is a movement of change and sustainability, that inspires customer behaviour through brand awareness and principles. It teaches people to make a conscious effort in reducing their carbon footprint. 

Slow fashion is thoughtful and intentional, and brings a quality experience to the buyer. It combines a brand’s practices with a customer’s shopping habits and is setting the path for the future. Instead of chasing trends, that end up out of style and in the landfill, slow fashion brands design quality collections that last and never go out of style. Classy pieces made well and not over produced, while supporting those who make them.

Love Not Fear is proud to say that we are a slow fashion brand. Our goal is to empower our customers to make buying decisions that have a positive impact on the planet and other living beings. 


  • We focus on quality over quantity.
  • Our designs are not trendy, but classic and versatile that will last a lifetime.
  • We consciously create our designs with integrity. 
  • Our collections are made with intention, expressing the deeper meaning of life.
  • Our designs reflect the culture of India.
  • We source recycled or dead stock fabric and use every last piece.
  • Our collections are limited and small to not over produce. 
  • We work with small family run business who have been in business for generations. 
  • All of our collections are produced and assembled in Rajasthan India, under fair conditions.
  • We give back to communities in India, sponsoring two families with food and supplies every month.


Love Not Fear is a lifestyle choice, for the woman with style and  compassion. Our hope is to inspire our clients to buy with intention.

Thank you for being here and thank you for always choosing love!