Love is the Answer

  • The Goddess is Rising

    The Goddess is Rising

    Maha Shakti is the Great Power of the Divine Feminine.

     To access her we must descend, go downwards, into the roots, deep into the ground and soil, and into the dark space of the womb. Mother Earth is the consciousness and the holy body of the Sacred and Deep Feminine. To enter her world we must dive into the consciousness of the body.

    The Sacred Gateway is the womb.The womb is dark, and moist and full of nourishment and creation, and so is the womb of our Mother, the Earth, Mama Gaia, Pachamama and Tonanzin. Maha Shakti has many names.

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  • Always Choose Love

    Always Choose Love
    Love is gentle and patient, it’s beautiful and gracious, but most of all love is a feeling of acceptance, acceptance of ourselves, and acceptance of others. Can you imagine living in a world where we all loved and accepted each other? Where love guided us rather than our fears? This is the kind of world I want to live in. It is our birthright to be loved and to experience this deep love within. Love and fear are two opposing forces. One cannot exist with the other.
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